2023 Writing Goals
Feb 5, 2023
Previous Output:
In 2022, I wrote 30,246 words in screenplays/treatments/outlines. Compared to 2021, that's 12,068 more words, or 66% higher. This resulted in 134 pages. My monthly average in 2023 was 2,520 words and 11 pages.
The majority of this was my first ever movie script. FORGING MISS FORTUNE is a script about the origins of the League of Legends character through her eyes. After writing a pilot in 2021, it was fascinating to see the difference between TV/Film. The completed story of film is something I really enjoyed even though I think prefer to write TV.
New Goals:
This year I want to focus on writing quality faster. I really enjoy putting the time in on my own stories, and I think I'm ready to try my hand at writing my own characters this year. As such, I'm trying to write 3 stories:
A game based TV pilot set in a dystopia science fiction future. Goal: 60 pages
A pilot inspired by my experiences in digital advertising. Goal: 60 pages
One or two short stories. Goal: 45-60 pages
I also want to try to write up some of my ideas around marketing and advertising. Stay tuned :)